Monday 26 November 2012

What security measures would you recommend for DVRs?

What security measures would you recommend for DVRs?
The DVR is arguably a security risk in itself. Left on a shelf in the backroom of a restaurant or shop, it can be accessed by virtually anyone who could either copy footage of customers to a memory stick and post it on Youtube, or change the settings to downgrade the recording quality. An employee could conceivably delete an incriminating video clip.

What security features would you recommend to secure your DVR? Are there any DVRs on the market that have built-in security features like PIN codes or a physical lock and key to secure the control panel?
its a good point and needs to be discussed extensively. I had a client where he was complaining that the DVR do not record at night at his manufacturing unit. after many investigation by technical team we did not find any conclusion we installed a hidden camera to record activity around dvr at night (only the owner knew about this)

The result we got was mind opener

one of the supervisor at night shift in association one of night security guard used to shut down the dvr at night and restart the dvr early morning so that their night time activities cannot be recorded.

Come back to your question

What i will recommend is

1) Install a wall mounted rack with lock and key and put DVR inside this.
2) If the DVR is connected to network then its IP is constantly monitored and if it goes off line a sms or email alert can be generated like in case of nvr
3) All dvr comes with some default admin and password - i would recommend to change all these even the administrator usaer name and password as if somebody is tech savy he can easily break pass word by downloading manual
4) Put Dvr in secure place like server room or security monitoring room

Having said all these i would like to add that this is a cat and mouse game where we will try to upgrade technology and mischievous people will try to break so this will go on........

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